Kanye West on Jewish people


Kanye West has made several controversial and antisemitic statements over the years. Here are some notable quotes:

  1. On Power 105.1 FM (2013): “Black people don’t have the same level of connections as Jewish people” oai_citation:1,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  2. YouTube Interview: “He’ll be like well, ‘Don’t tell anyone but I’m actually half Jewish.’ That’s a compliment, that is not antisemitic! I love Jews” oai_citation:2,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  3. Text Exchange with Sean Combs: “Ima use you as an example to show the Jewish people that told you to call me that no one can threaten or influence me” oai_citation:3,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  4. On Twitter: “I’m going to go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE” and “you guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone who opposes your agenda” oai_citation:4,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  5. Tucker Carlson Interview: Comments about wanting his children to learn about Hanukkah in school for “financial engineering,” implying Jewish greed and financial control oai_citation:5,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  6. On ‘Drink Champs’ Podcast: Blaming “Jewish Zionists” for various personal and professional issues oai_citation:6,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  7. Chris Cuomo’s NewsNation Show: “Jewish people own Black voice,” and “we’re not going to be owned by the Jewish media anymore” oai_citation:7,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  8. Lex Friedman Podcast: Alleging a “Holocaust” against Black people by Jews and blaming a Jewish doctor and a Jewish personal trainer for revealing his medical issues to the media oai_citation:8,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  9. To Paparazzi: Suggesting a Jewish doctor misdiagnosed his mental illness to control or harm him oai_citation:9,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  10. Instagram Posts: Implying Jewish executives were exploiting Black people oai_citation:10,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  11. 2024 Presidential Campaign Announcement: Using antisemitism as a point of pride in his campaign videos oai_citation:11,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  12. Visit to a Messianic Jewish Congregation: Repeating allegations about Jewish manipulation and control of celebrities and society oai_citation:12,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  13. Tim Pool’s Podcast: Reiterating statements about Jewish influence and control over business and banking oai_citation:13,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  14. Infowars Appearance: Expressing support for Nazis and Hitler and repeating allegations of Jewish control and power oai_citation:14,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.

These quotes reflect a pattern of antisemitic rhetoric that West has espoused, leading to significant backlash and controversy.

Defense readiness condition — from 5 (least severe) to 1– most severe.

Not war or conflict but readiness? Moderate-low military level of military alert —

What’s death con 3

The term “death con 3” mentioned by Kanye West in his controversial tweet appears to be a mispronunciation or misunderstanding of “DEFCON 3.” DEFCON stands for Defense Readiness Condition, a scale used by the United States Armed Forces to indicate the level of threat to national security. DEFCON levels range from 5 (least severe) to 1 (most severe).

DEFCON 3 indicates a heightened state of readiness, but not necessarily imminent war or conflict. It’s a moderate level of military alert. However, in the context of Kanye West’s tweet, it’s unclear what he specifically meant by “death con 3,” as this term doesn’t exist in official military jargon. It’s likely that he was attempting to convey a heightened level of seriousness or threat in his message against Jewish people, but the actual meaning and intent behind his use of this incorrect term remain speculative oai_citation:1,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.

Yes “black” people *can* be Jewish or Semite or Semetic — if you’re an Ethiopian Jewish person!

Kanye West, who legally changed his name to Ye, has made several controversial and antisemitic statements over the years. Some of the notable incidents include:

  1. Comments on Power 105.1 FM (2013): In an interview, West remarked about perceived Jewish connections in the context of political and financial influence, suggesting that Black people do not have the same level of connections as Jewish people, which was denounced by the ADL as “classic antisemitism” oai_citation:1,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  2. YouTube Interview Statements: West expressed beliefs in antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish affinity for money, employing dangerous stereotypes while claiming his statements were complimentary and not antisemitic oai_citation:2,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  3. 2018 Album Title Controversy: West reportedly wanted to name his 2018 album “Hitler” and was an outspoken admirer of Hitler, particularly for his skill in propaganda. This information was revealed by former employees and collaborators who had signed NDAs to not disclose West’s antisemitic and pro-Nazi rants oai_citation:3,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  4. Exchange with Sean Combs (Diddy): West accused Combs of being controlled by Jews in a text conversation, which he posted on Instagram. This was in response to Combs’ criticism of West’s “White Lives Matter” shirt oai_citation:4,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  5. Twitter Controversy: West’s tweet about going “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE” led to his Twitter account being briefly locked. He claimed that he couldn’t be antisemitic because he believed black people are also Jewish oai_citation:5,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  6. Tucker Carlson Interview (Oct. 7): In leaked clips from an interview with Tucker Carlson, West endorsed numerous overtly antisemitic beliefs, including stereotypes about Jewish greed and financial control oai_citation:6,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  7. Appearance on ‘Drink Champs’ Podcast: West blamed “Jewish Zionists” for various issues, including problems with his ex-wife Kim Kardashian and negative press coverage oai_citation:7,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  8. Chris Cuomo’s NewsNation Show: Here, West doubled down on his antisemitic statements, reiterating his belief that all Black people are Jews and thus denying any personal antisemitism oai_citation:8,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  9. Lex Friedman Podcast: West blamed Jews for a “Holocaust” against Black people and refused to rescind or apologize for his statements, instead demanding an apology from others oai_citation:9,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  10. Comments to Paparazzi: West suggested that a Jewish doctor misdiagnosed his mental illness and was trying to control or harm him with medication oai_citation:10,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  11. Instagram Posts: After regaining access to his account, West continued to post content that implied Jewish executives were exploiting Black people oai_citation:11,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  12. 2024 Presidential Campaign Announcement: West’s campaign videos referenced his previous antisemitic statements, seemingly using them as a point of pride oai_citation:12,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  13. Visit to a Messianic Jewish Congregation: West went on an antisemitic tirade after visiting a congregation, implying non-Christians should not hold power and claiming Jewish manipulation and control over celebrities and society oai_citation:13,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  14. Tim Pool’s Podcast Appearance: On the podcast, West continued to assert Jewish influence and control over business and banking oai_citation:14,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.
  15. Infowars Appearance: On the show, West expressed support for Nazis and Hitler and repeated allegations of Jewish control and power oai_citation:15,Every antisemitic thing Kanye West has said (so far) – The Forward.

These incidents reflect a pattern of antisemitic rhetoric and conspiracy theories espoused by West, leading to significant backlash and controversy.