Leica Camera

  1. Get rid of these dumb watches etc.
  2. Focus on the Leica M.
  3. For the Leica Q — make it slimmer. More beautiful. Not just a Panasonic Lumix on steroids (it is)— the Leica Q uses the same batteries as the Panasonic Lumix cameras. I think it might even use the same sensor?
  4. Get rid of all these other TL silly cameras. Even the CL is great, but kinda a weird sub category. Just focus on the Leica M rangefinder and the Leica Q (the cash cow, like the Urus SUV for Lamborghini).
  5. Focus on the *quality* of the optics for the Leica M camera lenses — like a Richard Mille watch; you can own the lenses for *CENTURIES*.
  6. Keep milking the “made in Germany” angle. Americans love Germans and German bauhaus stuff. Think— cheaper to buy a Leica M camera and lens than a Porsche 911.