Canon etymology and also for the word “classic”

Canon— kanon, rule or measuring line.

Standard in which something was judged — rule or measuring line.

Canon rule of faith — canon law or scripture.


classicus— highest class of Roman citizens. First rank, or enduring value.


The etymology of “canon” and “classic” offer fascinating insights into how language evolves to capture cultural and philosophical concepts.


Origin: The word “canon” originates from the Greek “kanon,” meaning a rule or a measuring line. In ancient Greece, it referred to a standard by which something was judged, like a rule or a model.

Evolution: This concept of a measuring standard was adopted by the early Christian church to refer to a rule of faith, leading to its use in “canon law” and the “canon of scripture,” denoting a set of texts (or “books”) considered authoritative. Over time, “canon” evolved to encompass any collection of texts, principles, or works deemed fundamental in a particular field or art form, like the canon of Western literature.


Origin: “Classic” comes from the Latin word “classicus,” which initially referred to the highest class of Roman citizens. The term was associated with superiority and high quality.

Evolution: In literature and the arts, “classic” began to refer to works of the first rank or of enduring value. It implies something that serves as a standard or model of excellence and has lasting worth or timeless quality. The term “classical” is often used in the context of ancient Greek and Roman works, but it extends to any work, ancient or modern, that possesses these qualities of excellence and enduring value.

Both terms, in their journey through history, have come to symbolize the ideals of excellence, authority, and enduring significance in various fields, reflecting a deep-rooted human tendency to seek and establish benchmarks of quality and greatness. This aligns well with interests in philosophy and innovation, where understanding and challenging established “canons” or “classics” can lead to new insights and breakthroughs.