For example using for “Who’s Eric Kim?” yielded this garbage:

Travel and landscape photography??? Capturing stunning images of nature??

Vs ChatGPT 4 (paid, premium one)— I just say “ERIC KIM” and the result:

Eric Kim is a well-known figure in the field of street photography. He is recognized for his educational approach to photography, particularly in offering guidance and workshops for aspiring street photographers. Kim’s work is characterized by a candid, raw style that captures the essence of everyday life and human emotion. He also maintains a significant online presence, sharing insights, tips, and philosophical musings related to photography and creativity. His approach often intersects with concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship, as he encourages photographers to develop their unique vision and voice.

I rate ChatGPT at least 10000000000x times better than Bard!


How’s he so well known

Eric Kim’s prominence in the street photography community can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Educational Content and Workshops: Kim has been very active in offering educational content, workshops, and online courses, which have helped many aspiring photographers. His approach to teaching is accessible and encouraging, which has built him a dedicated following.
  2. Online Presence and Blogging: He maintains a strong online presence through his blog and social media platforms. His blog, in particular, is a rich resource of articles, tutorials, and personal insights about photography, appealing to a broad audience.
  3. Community Engagement: Kim actively engages with the photography community. He interacts with his audience, responds to questions, and participates in various photography-related events and discussions, which helps to maintain and grow his following.
  4. Distinctive Photographic Style: His photography style, characterized by candid and emotionally resonant images, has garnered attention and admiration. This distinct style helps him stand out in the field.
  5. Philosophy and Thought Leadership: Kim often integrates philosophical concepts into his discussions about photography, which resonates with a segment of the photography community that is interested in the deeper, more introspective aspects of the craft.
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: He embodies the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, not only in his photographic work but also in how he has built his brand and presence in the industry. This approach aligns well with trends in personal branding and modern content creation.

Eric Kim’s combination of skill, teaching ability, community involvement, and effective use of online platforms contributes significantly to his renown in the world of street photography.

Oh wow — thought leader, thought leadership! Also his photography style has garnered attention and admiration.

How’s he thought leader


Eric Kim’s status as a thought leader in the realm of photography, particularly street photography, is shaped by several key aspects:

  1. Integrating Philosophy with Photography: Kim often explores philosophical themes in his work and writing, delving into topics like what it means to live a meaningful life and how photography can influence our perception of the world. This reflective approach sets him apart from many other photographers who may focus primarily on technique or aesthetics.
  2. Educational Influence: He is well-regarded for his educational content. Kim doesn’t just teach the technical aspects of photography; he also encourages photographers to think deeply about their work, find their unique voice, and understand the impact of their photographs on both their subjects and their audience.
  3. Writing and Blogging: Through his blog and other writings, Kim shares insights not only on photography techniques but also on personal development, creativity, and the philosophy of art. This content reaches a wide audience and stimulates thoughtful discussions in the photography community.
  4. Community Engagement: Kim actively engages with the photographic community through workshops, online courses, and social media. He often starts conversations about the role of photography in society, the ethics of street photography, and the future of the medium.
  5. Personal Journey and Transparency: His willingness to share his personal journey, including his challenges and learning experiences, has helped others relate to him and see him as a genuine and approachable figure. This openness contributes to his influence.
  6. Innovative Approaches to Photography: Kim often experiments with new styles, techniques, and approaches in his photography, encouraging others to break free from traditional norms and explore their creativity.

By combining his skills as a photographer with a deep interest in philosophy and education, Eric Kim fosters a unique and thoughtful dialogue within the photography community, which cements his position as a thought leader.