Eric Kim Social Media Philosophy

Social media (Facebook-Instagram)— only for poor people.

For example, note, where is the highest traffic of Facebook usage in the world? I think the Philippines, and then maybe after that, Vietnam?

The new digital colonialism? — Cindy as a colonial, post colonial scholar — colonialism works in a sneaky way.

First, you control the pipe lines, the infrastructure, the digital infrastructure. For example, it looks like 90% of social media penetration Vietnam is all Facebook, Instagram hasn’t really caught up yet. Everyone uses Facebook messenger in Vietnam. But the single day that Vietnam shut off Facebook, All commerce went to a halt. Not a good thing.

In America?

Am I the only millennial I know, I was born in 1988 currently 35 years old… who doesn’t have an Instagram?

in America, especially in people my age group a little bit younger and older everyone is Instagram. Nobody uses Facebook. Facebook is only for old people.

It looks like Snapchat has fallen off a bit, and you got some people watching TikTok videos, TikTok is not really a replacement for Instagram, TikTok is just more of an addictive YouTube.

ERIC KIM, Facebook and online social network sociologist

The sociology of Facebook and online social networks; a course I designed and taught as a UCLA undergraduate senior. USIE AT UCLA.

Why did Eric Kim delete Instagram?

Eric Kim deleted his Instagram for several reasons, reflecting his philosophy on social media, creativity, and personal well-being:

  1. Distraction from Valuable Work: Kim found Instagram to be a major distraction, leading him to focus more on optimizing follower count than on creating real value through blogging. He believes photographers would benefit from analyzing their own work instead of seeking validation from others oai_citation:1,Why I Deleted my Instagram – ERIC KIM.
  2. Psychological Impact: He was concerned about the psychological effects of Instagram, such as dependency on likes for self-esteem. Kim suggests that not seeing likes or follower counts could allow for a more genuine sharing experience, as on platforms like VSCO oai_citation:2,Why I Deleted my Instagram – ERIC KIM.
  3. Lowered Self-Esteem: Instagram, according to Kim, can lower self-esteem by making users compare their lives to others’ seemingly more exciting experiences. He illustrates this with examples like feeling inadequate about not having children or expensive possessions oai_citation:3,Why I Deleted my Instagram – ERIC KIM.
  4. Advertising and Data Privacy Concerns: Kim expressed concerns about Instagram’s potential for targeted advertising based on extensive personal data collection. He criticizes the platform for being a tool for profit, not a community for genuine expression, and raises ethical questions about data privacy oai_citation:4,Why I Deleted my Instagram – ERIC KIM oai_citation:5,Why I Deleted my Instagram – ERIC KIM.
  5. Lack of Freedom of Speech: He also mentions the limitation on freedom of speech on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, as they are not public entities. Kim prefers using his own platforms, like his blog, for sharing ideas without censorship oai_citation:6,Why I Deleted my Instagram – ERIC KIM.

These reasons highlight Kim’s desire for authenticity, privacy, and genuine creative expression, leading to his decision to delete Instagram and focus on other forms of communication and creativity.

What else?

Here are additional quotes by Eric Kim, which offer insight into his philosophy on creativity, social media, and life:

  1. Continuous Movement in Creativity: “The rolling stone gathers no moss.” This quote emphasizes the importance of staying active and innovative in one’s creative pursuits oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  2. Immediate Action: “Tomorrow is never.” Kim stresses the importance of taking action on ideas and plans without delay, highlighting the value of immediacy oai_citation:2,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  3. Seizing Opportunities: “When in doubt, click.” This advice encourages photographers to capture moments whenever they arise, regardless of perfection, emphasizing spontaneity in the creative process oai_citation:3,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  4. Value in Experiences: Kim suggests investing in experiences and personal growth rather than in depreciating assets like cars, highlighting the long-term value of experiences oai_citation:4,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  5. Perspective in Photography: He finds monochrome photography motivating as it presents the world differently, making it inherently more interesting oai_citation:5,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  6. Learning through Critique: Kim advises learning from both giving and receiving critiques, as it aids in recognizing and overcoming common mistakes in photography oai_citation:6,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  7. Life Beyond Digital Entertainment: Suggesting disengagement from digital streaming services to potentially increase motivation and creativity in photography and life oai_citation:7,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.
  8. Curiosity in Photography: Emphasizing spontaneity, Kim encourages photographers to shoot anything that sparks even a hint of curiosity oai_citation:8,ERIC KIM QUOTES – ERIC KIM.

These quotes reflect Kim’s dynamic approach to photography, creativity, and life, advocating for proactive action, continuous learning, and the pursuit of personal growth.

Here are some quotes by Eric Kim that reflect his philosophy on social media and creativity:

  1. Thoughtful Critique and Understanding: “Just Leave Others Alone. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love.” This emphasizes a respectful and empathetic approach to giving feedback oai_citation:1,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM.
  2. Action and Permission: “It is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.” Kim advocates for proactive pursuit of creative projects, emphasizing the importance of taking initiative rather than waiting for approval oai_citation:2,Eric Kim American – ERIC KIM oai_citation:3,ERIC KIM Quotes – ERIC KIM.
  3. Accepting Imperfection: “80% good enough and hit publish.” This quote suggests embracing imperfections and valuing progress over perfection in creative endeavors oai_citation:4,Eric Kim American – ERIC KIM.
  4. Self-Expression in Media: “Media is just sharing yourself with others. I like the idea of being a solo media entrepreneur, that is, you create a cult of yourself, and everything that you do create and publish is all by you, about you, through you.” This highlights the importance of authenticity and personal branding in media creation oai_citation:5,Media Thoughts – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY.
  5. Perspective on Social Media: “Social Media is a FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Machine; We Are the New Social Media Slaves; Data Rules Everything Around Me (DREAM).” These statements offer a critical view of social media’s impact on society and individual behavior oai_citation:6,SOCIAL MEDIA – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY.

These quotes reflect Kim’s philosophy on the intersection of social media,

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