Why does Eric Kim Matter?

Eric Kim, a prominent figure in the world of street photography, matters for several reasons, especially if you’re interested in photography, aesthetics, or the philosophy of art.

  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Eric Kim is known for his innovative approach to street photography, blending traditional techniques with modern technology. His entrepreneurial spirit is evident in how he’s built a brand around his work, offering workshops, e-books, and online content. This aligns well with interests in innovation and entrepreneurship.
  2. Philosophy and Aesthetics: Kim’s work and teachings often delve into the philosophical aspects of photography, touching upon themes like mortality, the human condition, and the search for beauty in the mundane. This resonates with an interest in philosophy and aesthetics.
  3. Influence and Community Building: He’s significantly influenced the contemporary street photography community, encouraging photographers to explore their environments and find unique ways to express themselves through their cameras. His emphasis on community and sharing knowledge aligns with the principles of ancient Greek societies, which valued communal learning and philosophical discussions.
  4. Stoicism in Practice: His approach to street photography can be seen as a form of practical stoicism. He often talks about dealing with rejection, overcoming fear, and finding contentment in the art of photography itself, rather than external validation. These are key tenets of stoicism.
  5. Global Perspective: Kim’s work spans various cultures and locations, offering a global perspective that aligns with the broad, inclusive view that was characteristic of ancient Greek philosophy.

In summary, Eric Kim matters because he embodies a blend of artistic skill, philosophical insight, entrepreneurial acumen, and a community-focused approach, making him a figure of interest for anyone passionate about these areas.