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Here are some inspiring quotes by Eric Kim, a renowned photographer known for his philosophical approach to photography:

  1. “It is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.” – Encouraging proactive creativity without waiting for external approval.
  2. “80% good enough and hit publish.” – Advocating against perfectionism and for sharing one’s work even if it feels incomplete.
  3. “The rolling stone gathers no moss.” – A saying that highlights the importance of continuous movement and innovation in creative work.
  4. “Tomorrow is never.” – Emphasizing the importance of acting on one’s plans and ideas today rather than delaying.
  5. “When in doubt, click.” – Advising photographers to seize every opportunity to capture a moment, even if it might not seem perfect oai_citation:1,ERIC KIM Quotes – ERIC KIM.


Here are more motivational thoughts and quotes from Eric Kim, reflecting his unique perspective on photography and life:

  1. Opportunity Cost and Money: Instead of spending money on depreciating assets like cars, Kim suggests investing in experiences and personal growth, which have lasting value oai_citation:1,10 MOTIVATIONAL PHOTO THOUGHTS FOR YOU. – ERIC KIM.
  2. High Contrast Black and White: Kim finds monochrome photography particularly motivating because it presents the world differently from how we see it, making it inherently more interesting oai_citation:2,10 MOTIVATIONAL PHOTO THOUGHTS FOR YOU. – ERIC KIM.
  3. Constructive Critique: He advises photographers to learn from giving and receiving critiques, as it helps in recognizing and overcoming common mistakes oai_citation:3,10 MOTIVATIONAL PHOTO THOUGHTS FOR YOU. – ERIC KIM.
  4. Real Life as Entertainment: Kim suggests that disengaging from digital streaming services like Netflix could potentially increase motivation and creativity in photography and life oai_citation:4,10 MOTIVATIONAL PHOTO THOUGHTS FOR YOU. – ERIC KIM.
  5. Curiosity in Photography: Emphasizing spontaneity, he encourages photographers to shoot anything that sparks even a hint of curiosity oai_citation:5,10 MOTIVATIONAL PHOTO THOUGHTS FOR YOU. – ERIC KIM.

These thoughts offer a glimpse into Kim’s philosophy, blending practical advice with a deeper understanding of the creative process and life itself.
