Media vs Tech

Going to school at UCLA, and also, getting my first job in LA, I always thought that I was in the tech industry, but actually now that I think about it, I wasn’t. Instead, I was in the media industry. What is the difference?

Media is a very generalized concept. “Media“ can apply to more generalized notions of information, blogs, blog posts, websites, videos, audio, etc. Essentially anything external which stimulates us can be seen as media.

I think maybe the interesting crossover is when tech, technology can be applied to media.

What are these big tech companies anyways?

  1. Facebook: social media. This is interesting because here technology becomes a tool in regards to social things, human beings, social life etc.
  2. Google: a technology which rings, and filters information.
  3. Amazon: to court businesses include the generalized Amazon prime shipping service, and the second being Amazon web services. Amazon web services Powers much of other Internet companies, and Amazon is the ultimate logistics company, powered by data.
  4. Apple: mostly known for making iPhones, which seems to be the best tool for human beings to do human things.

What is media?

My new goal:

Become the next Disney?

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