Discover Your Creative Mission in Life WORKSHOP Downtown LA, Saturday, November 4, 2023

Eric Kim crimson red stoicism

Dear friend, if your desire is to discover your creative mission in life, I cordially invite you to my all new “DISCOVER YOUR CREATIVE MISSION IN LIFE” in Downtown LA, November 4th 2023:

The concept

The general just in concept of this workshop is simple; and intense hard-core focused one day workshop, uninterrupted, in order for you to tackle one of life‘s most difficult questions:

What is my creative mission in life?

Why is this so critical?

The reason why this is so critical is that ultimately, you want to leverage your own creative Archimedes lever in order to maximize your impact on the planet and humanity.

It seems that in modern day times, we are chasing the wrong things. We are just chasing to make more money, to advance our careers, etc. Yet at the end of the day, I believe the most critical thing is our art, our creativity, and how we can best propagate this to the rest of humanity.

So what is this workshop centered around?

The focus of this workshop will be manifold; I focus on discovering a little bit about yourself, your own life mission, in your own creative and artistic goals.

If you’re reading this, I will assume that you’re a photographer, and that making images is your passion. Yet I also believe that you’re not just a photographer, you’re also a visual artist. What does that mean? That means that we should not be stuck in this ghetto thinking that we are nothing but mirror photographers. Instead, photography may be one of the most interesting virtuous and innovative ways to approach visual art.

What will I gain from this workshop?

  1. Increased creative motivation, inspiration, and focus
  2. An elevated sense of how to thrive as a photographer, artist, and visual artist.
  3. Discovering creative ways you can cross pollinate all of your personal life interests to maximize your creative output.
  4. Collaborating and joining a creative think tank of other passionate and motivated individuals, for all of us to creatively thrive.
  5. Getting more intelligence and wisdom about photography, art, aesthetics, and the road to success.
  6. The opportunity for us to do some creative street photography, in the beautiful streets of downtown LA. Maybe if we have time, also a quick trip to the new Apple store in downtown LA, lots of great conversations to be had about creativity, philosophy and life.
  7. Gaining creative confidence in all aspects of your art. Whether it be guitar if you, street photography, or something in between.
  8. The chance to workshop your own personal creative ideas and projects, and gaining constructive critical eye from ERIC KIM to help maximize you.
  9. Entrepreneurial, marketing, and branding concepts for you to best present and publish and propagate your work.
  10. An insanely fun time, and experience you will never forget for the rest of your life!

How do I know if this workshop is right for me or not?

I say, as long as you’re a curious creative person, this workshop is right for you. This workshop will only be centered around expanding your creative possibilities, rather than restricting them.

Also, this workshop will be 100% motivation, encouragement, and pumping you up. Why? I think life is too short to be negative and critical; constructive critique is useful, and all of us can thrive together.

Tips, tricks, and techniques we will learn

  1. How to see more creatively and abstractly, using tools like iPhone and iPad, Procreate to help us deconstruct and analyze our images.
  2. The fundamental and critical notions of composition art and aesthetics in photography and visual art; figure to ground, contrast, grit and grain, as well as dynamism.
  3. Increased creative optionality; discovering new ways for you to be creative every day, rather than just on the weekends. To think beyond just photography.
  4. How to start blogging, integrating more video and cinema into your creative workflow; also thoughts on how to start your own YouTube channel, podcast, video podcasts etc.
  5. Personal consulting from ERIC KIM in terms of building up your own personal website, and creative portfolio.

Invest in you

Don’t waste your money on a car, a brand new car, some sort of additions to your car or modifications, don’t waste your money on a home, playing the new camera Orleans or piece of photography equipment, etc. Rather, the ultimate investment is you. Yourself, your embodied life experiences. The chance for you to finally have a chance to focus on your creativity, and thrive.

Your mission

Saturday, November 4, 2023 in downtown Los Angeles. The meeting point is ilcafe on Broadway, the same street as the ace hotel, and it will be from 11 AM to 4 PM. Ultimate time in focus in order for you to gain deeper clarity about your creative mission in life, and after the workshop, you will be tasked with certain creative missions, in order to continue after the workshop.

I am so certain that this will be a life transforming experience for you that if for some reason you are not 100% satisfied with the experience, just let me know and I will either give you a free credit to a future workshop, even if it is more expensive, or just give you 100% refund of your tuition.

Why do I do this? My soul and pride in the game.

Secure your future now

This soul discovery workshop seven intrepid individuals. Don’t be left behind:


Once you submit your tuition, your spot is 100% secure. Insanely pumped to see at the workshop!


  • Saturday, November 4th 2023
  • Meeting spot: ilcafe on broadway, downtown LA
  • Times: 11am-4pm

Now what?

Once you’ve submitted your deposit, your spot for the workshop is 100% secure. A week or two prior to the workshop, I’ll just send you a friendly email to say hello! There will be no critical information in this email, just a chance for us to touch base.

Do I need to prepare anything before the workshop?

No homework necessary! However, when you show up to the workshop prepare your creative portfolio of your five best images of all time, just bring it on your iPhone, your iPad, or feel free to also print it out!

For the workshop, bring your camera, your iPad, iPhone, and a notepad to learn new creative techniques, as well as have the chance to make some new images!

Secure your future

Investment: 1090 USD

Secure your spot here, or just use a Paypal buy it now button below: