My Fitness Philosophy

My philosophy and approach to fitness:

1. No reps

The first thing is don’t go for repetitions. One rep max is enough.

In fact, it is my theory that injuries result as a result of going for multiple repetitions.

2. No classes

Another big thing that I am very anti-classes. Any sort of organized fitness class seems like a bad idea. Why? The feeling that you are a slave or a prisoner to the teacher or instructor, who often has some sort of ego or power trip.

3. Cross pollinate

Steal the best techniques from all worlds. From yoga, weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, calisthenics, CrossFit, etc.

4. Reduce the range of motion, increase the weight

For example, doing a very short and limited range of motion in a rack pull, rather than going for the full on deadlift from the floor.

Also, my innovation with the atlas lift, just striving to lift the weight off of the rack, driving with your legs, and just holding the weight on your shoulders, rather than actually squatting down and going for range of motion.