Sustainability is boring

Whenever I hear people talk about sustainability, or a company talking about sustainability, it seems very disingenuous. For example, I think most businesses only talk about sustainability to prevent bad PR.

When it comes to individuals talking about sustainability, it seems that they either lack a source of religion, and therefore, their new religion becomes “the planet”, or, people simply are trying to virtue signal, or follow the trend.

Also philosophically if you think about “sustainability”, what do we mean? Do we mean to say that we want planet earth to last indefinitely, or another 100 trillion years? Or just 1 billion more years? Or just 1 million more years? Or 100,000 more years? Or 10,000 more years?

Also, the big philosophical question:

Is it better to have a short yet insanely great life, or a long and very boring one?

For example, is it better to be an Alexander the Great and die at the age of 34, or is it better to just be a new modern consultant, and die slowly at the age of 92?

For myself, I certainly want to continue to thrive until I am 120 years old. Therefore, “sustainability” is a concept for me. Yet, in someways, we must be a little bit foolish. For example, my new great joy in discovering and experimenting with doing very very heavy rack pulls at the gym, with six or more plates on each side.

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