iPhone Air

My concept for iPhone Air; make it thinner than iPhone mini and even thinner than iPhone SE.

Product line of wise, just get rid of the iPhone SE, and replace it with iPhone Air. Make it more expensive, starting at $499, or $599 dollars.

This would be a smart product strategy, as millennials like myself who love to buy every single new Apple product last for something lighter and thinner and sexier.

For example, I don’t know, but maybe Apple is working on bringing back the 11 inch or 12 inch MacBook, something hopefully even thinner than the MacBook Air. Maybe what they could call it is the MacBook Nano.

Have you ever got carpal tunnel from texting too much?

Most people do not have huge hands. To make a device smaller, and thinner is a good idea, the goal is whether you could text message with your nondominant hand.

Even apparently about a year or two ago, Kanye West got steroid injections in his carpal tunnel muscle area, as he injured it from texting too much.

Even now, the bad trend of iPhone and iPhone Pro is to make it bigger, heavier, thicker, and more powerful. What we do not need is more power, what we need is more lightness.

Reduce the battery size

Truth be told, nowadays all smart phones last a full day, even my iPhone SE under heavy use. Most people don’t even need an all day battery, most people are either commuting to work in their car, in which your iPhone is charging, or they are at work, where their iPhone is charging, or they are at home, where their iPhone is charging.

What is the upside of having a thinner phone?

The upside is that the thinner your phone, and the lighter your phone, the more productive you are. Why? You could hold the phone in your hand longer, to talk more. Or less fatigue when holding out your phone during FaceTime.

Also, the thinner and lighter your phone, you can text message more efficiently. Also, the smaller the screen, the easier it is for your fingers to travel across the screen, thus using a smaller phone might actually be advantageous in terms of increasing your words per minute when texting on your phone.

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