Looking the Part, or *Being* the Part?

For example, I think the reason why so many weightlifters use lifting belts is that it makes them feel like they are the part. Also, why a lot of business men wear a suit; they feel like they need to look the part.

However, the funny irony is that actually, by far the most successful business people do not look like business people; note, Elon Musk just wears T-shirts. Also, the real rich people just wear plain clothes.

Even like Nassim Taleb says:

Who would you trust more? A Doctor who doesn’t look like a doctor, or a Doctor Who looks like a doctor?

For example, if there is a Doctor Who has been around for a long time, and looks like a butcher, she is probably a real doctor, as his time and experience shows. However, if you have somebody who’s just playing dress up, you don’t really know about their real skill.

This is why I do not trust doctors, only surgeons. You can fake being a doctor, but you cannot fake being a surgeon. In fact, if I were to enter the medical profession today, I would prefer to be a surgeon than anything else in the medical profession.

For example, this is why you should never trust a personal trainer who isn’t buffer than you are.

Or, why you should probably put more credence in the advice of somebody who can deadlift 700 pounds, rather some nerd on Reddit who is lecturing you about “proper form”.