My personal thought is, I am not at all concerned about some sort of World War III between China and America, Russia. Instead, based on my own personal observations, it’s more about relentless capital and growth. For example, every individual just seeking a better mode of existence, building new condos, buildings, and creating new luxury malls.

Being here in Phnom Penh Cambodia, seems that all these new buildings are from foreign Chinese companies. And I don’t think it is a form of new, cultural imperialism, it is just a bunch of individuals trying to get richer, and have a more beautiful mode of life.

For example, I don’t think that rich Chinese people would prefer to have a Chinese phone over an iPhone. Also, rich Chinese and rich people like their luxury goods, luxury brands.

Therefore, my theory is that into the future, it will not be about countries versus other countries, would rather, rich oligarchs from all around the world, collaborating, to continue, promoting their own personal luxuries.

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