How to Restore Your Strength

One of the greatest sacrifices you make as a parent, especially a new parent, in the early days is your own physiological strength and health. In the early days of your kids life, I akin it to trench warfare. However, now that Seneca is about a year and a half old, my strength and health has mostly come back. How?

First of all, sleep training. Sleep training is the number one game changer for parents, now Seneca sleeps like a champ from 7 PM to 7 AM every single night. The way we were able to sleep train him was essentially just let him cry it out. Also physical activity — I take Seneca to the park at least twice a day.

Also ironically enough, going to the gym again and restarting my gym membership was key. After one rep max attempts at the gym and deadlift and squats, and then going to all you can eat Korean barbecue, I slept like I was shot with horse tranquilizer. Or elephant tranquilizer. And getting great sleep is the number one essential thing for you to focus on to restore your strength.

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