

Something to consider: sometimes technology makes us stronger, sometimes it makes us weaker.

The question is: when is when? How can we maximize the upside to technology, while clipping the downside?

The first thought is this: who owns the technology? For example, I’m very suspicious of Gmail. I think Google has low-key engineered it to become very addicting. Every time you pull it down to reload your emails, you’re like running a slot machine. If you ever find yourself mindlessly refreshing your email while waiting for the bathroom, waiting for the elevator, while in the elevator, or somewhere random where you know that you haven’t gotten the emails, note that. As a good antidote, when you register your own website domain, just make your own self hosted email. And check your email via Apple mail app on your laptop.

I trust Apple more than I trust Google. Why? What Apple is trying to do is trap you in her ecosystem, to have you continually purchase Apple products. Whereas Google‘s purpose is for you to stay addicted to their products, and services, and always be distracted and clicking on stuff.

Noise canceling technology might be the best technology

The reason I’m really passionate about noise canceling headphones is this: it is the ultimate via negativa technology. I like the idea of technology which removes noise, removes annoyances, and remove distractions. For example, the best piece of technology on a computer is probably your ad blocker. And your tracker blockers.

Also, something I observed is that the biggest problem people have while driving is texting while driving, being distracted by the phone while driving, changing music or podcasts while driving, etc. Therefore ironically enough, perhaps the safest option for you to do in terms of a car isn’t to get a car with more sensors, but a car with fewer sensors. For example, getting a 90s or 2000s car without any LCD screens, or back up cameras. Ironically enough, I think this might breed for a better driving and more focus. And paying attention more. Also a manual transmission car, so you could be 100% focused on driving.

Even the other day I saw an older guy with a Tesla model S, with a huge mark on the side. I asked him how he got it, and he said that he changed lanes without checking the sensors first. Perhaps it would be more important for him to just be more aware of the road.

Technology that makes you more mobile versus technology that makes you more sedentary

Even as I write this, I’m outside in the direct sun, enjoying my morning cup of coffee, with the morning sun against my topless back. Also, I’m writing this whole thing via Apple keyboard voice dictation. The reason I love writing or jotting down my thoughts on iPad instead of my laptop is that allows me to move around more, and also stand upright, and also be outdoors. As much as I love my laptop, it breeds for more static behavior. Even doing a standing desk is very static, not as bad as sitting, but not great either.

An interesting piece of technology I found is the idea of having a standing desk and a treadmill. However, I’ve still discovered that it is superior to be able to move omni-directionally, with an iPad on stable ground, where I dictate my moving and walking speed. Also, ability to compute while being in the direct sun, instead of depressing indoors , without natural light.

The point isn’t to become more productive, the point is to become healthier and stronger

For the most part in today’s world, productivity is a slave mentality. For example, if you judge your own personal worth based on how productive you are, consider yourself as a qualified slave.

A simple thought: think if your technology actually motivates you to move more, or become healthier. And no, I do not think an Apple Watch will motivate you to walk more. Maybe, a passion and the lust for photography is good; because it motivates you to move more. Also, being greedy for the gains motivates you to go to the gym and move more.

The best shoes

Shoes are also a technology for your feet. I have discovered that the Vibram five fingers, the EL-X model has actually positively helped me walk around more, move more, enjoy walking more, with more energy and less fatigue. Not those stupid Hoka shoes with huge foam cushioning, nor any Nike or Adidas foam shoes. Getting running shoes with a ton of foam is like getting a condom with huge foam padding. We want more sensation, not less.

Similarly speaking, when you’re going for one rep max deadlift or squat, the ideal is to do it barefoot. After that, just wearing socks, or a zero drop, shoe like the Vibram five fingers. Or something similar. For example, when I deadlifted 475 pounds, I just did it in socks.

I love the outdoor grill

Even more recently, I’ve discovered that one of my new favorite pieces of technology is the outdoor grill, as it allows me to cook more meat, faster, more efficiently, better, with greater taste and char.

Even back in Providence days, I loved my slow cooker. Any piece of technology which allows you to cook more meat and consume more meat is good.