Expandion versus preservation

Something I’ve noticed: there tends to be some people who prefer to preserve what they already have, whereas others prefer to expand.

As a quick analogy, let me compare the difference between the Mandalorian and the new book of Boba Fett series. The reason why I prefer the Mandalorian so much is this:

The book of Boba Fett is about preservation. Boba Fett becomes Lord of his little feif and kingdom, and his goal is like the godfather, to preserve what he has. Whereas the Mandalorian is all about dis regarding preservation and self preservation, and instead embarking on this epic mission to return the child.

Risk aversion, versus risk loving

This is where powerlifting is so interesting to me: the goal is to always increase your one rep maximum, no matter what. Compare this to individuals who are very happy to keep lifting the same weight, over and over again.

Certainly, when you try to increase your one rep max in a given lift in powerlifting, there is a danger in risk. But this is what keeps us alive, and motivated.

If we look at companies, we could use the same analogy. There are some companies and media studios who are much more about preservation, preserving their wealth, and also by sticking to the same old formula. They keep making reboots, and sequels, because they want to reserve what has already worked in the past.

However, once you become rich and powerful and wealthy, doesn’t it make more sense for you to use your war chest to attempt much more risky and both things? I think so.