How to Motivate Yourself to Photograph More

One of my primary interests is regarding Photography motivation. How to motivate myself to photograph more, and how can I discover insights to help motivate other photographers to photograph more? Some ideas:

1. Textures

I love textures, especially the gritty ones. When you’re photographing textures, I recommend using high contrast black-and-white, and macro mode.

2. Photographing abstract shapes and forms

I really love and I’m drawn to abstract shapes and forms. Therefore, when I’m out and about, whenever I see abstract shapes and forms which are interesting to me, I try to frame it and compose it in an interesting way.

3. Discovering how light manifests in your photos

I’ve been interested in shooting my photos as dark as possible, in order to highlight silhouettes of shapes and forms. Particularly speaking, I’m interested when light hits a certain object or surface, and how it manifests as a photo.

4. Photograph textures or patterns in your food

I love meat, and lately I’ve been interested in discovering how the marbling of meat almost looks like mountain ranges. Which makes me wonder, what kind of biological Fibonacci growth patterns are there which are fractal, which is related in nature, like food, mountains, and other things?

5. Photographing my daily life, and the subtleties of my every day living behaviors.

I think more photographers should photograph their personal lives. Because ultimately, we are not really interested in a photographers art, we are interested in them.

Pull back the veil. Give people a behind-the-scenes sneak peek of your every day life.

6. It is fine to shoot cliches

I think originality is overrated in photography. Too much focusing on shooting original photos will mean that you photograph nothing.

Whenever you see a scene that you think you already photographed, or you seen somebody else photograph, shoot it anyways.