How to Stimulate Your Thinking

Some quick thoughts on how to stimulate your thinking:

1. One new hack I’m experimenting with is as soon as you wake up, take a cold shower, drink a cup of strong coffee, and just take a quick loop around the block. Starting off the day with sun exposure, exposure to outdoors weather, fresh air, and even the cold outside is a good way to get your body going, and your mind moving. Also to expedite things, brew the cup of coffee the night before, and just put in the fridge. Then as soon as you wake up you can drink coffee immediately.

2. Music. Nietzsche one said that life without music would be a mistake. Therefore, listening to certain types of music can stimulate your thinking. I also recommend more bass. The best headphones I’ve discovered are the “in ear monitors”, which are noise isolating, yet not noise canceling.

3. Philosophical films: Movies which philosophical also get me thinking. The Matrix, 2001 space odyssey, blade runner, and other dystopian sci fi films. Often ironically enough, mindless action films can also get me going, get my mind thinking.

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