How to Make Small Talk with Strangers

One of my greatest skills in life, and also having studied sociology, and social skills, especially the ability to talk to strangers.

Why talk to strangers?

The first question to consider: why talk to strangers?

Lots of benefits.

First and foremost, talking to strangers actually uplifts your mood. Ironically enough, it is one of the best ways to not be gloomy.

Also, talking to strangers is a great way to shoot street portraits.

Also, it is a good way to build your social muscle. I believe social skills are the future. And the more comfortable you are making small talk with strangers, you can transition them to do big talk.

Social innovations

Go off script when talking with strangers. ask them their passions in life, or their life story.

Also, better to be awkward in the social conversation when talking with a stranger, than not attempting at all.

Compliment people

The biggest tip I have is this: start off by complimenting a stranger for some sort of fashion accessory they have, and start the conversation from there.

Nobody will refuse a compliment.

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