In Praise of Airbnb

I am all for buying experiences, not stuff. and this is where Airbnb is so great:

Airbnb is both an aesthetic, home and living and lifestyle experience, and typically good for reawakening your mind, creativity, and photography.

Experimental living, or just changing up your daily routine a little bit.

I just came back from a quick three day 2 Evening Mini Road trip to Joshua tree with Cindy, Seneca, and Cindy‘s mom. It was great. And one of the best things we did was rent a design aesthetic Airbnb.

It wasn’t cheap. After the Airbnb cleaning fee, it was around $250 a night. But worth every penny. Why? It was great because it was insanely different from what we usually experience in every day life.

For example, it was like a mini oasis in the middle of nowhere. No neighbors. There was this funny stargazing tower, a Jacuzzi hot tub which was brand new, and a fire pit that overlooks the desert. Super epic sunrises and sunsets. Something we usually don’t experience in either a city or suburban living.

Barbell between nature and home

It is interesting, because we are sold this propaganda that in order for one to have a virtuous experience, one must spend the entire time outdoors. For example, if you want to do “real“ outdoorsy stuff, you must tent camp outside. but this barbell notion is interesting to me: that during the day you do the super outdoorsy stuff, and in the evening you go back to your luxurious plump Airbnb.

I like the short-lived experience

This is the funny thing to: I really like the experience of staying at one of these concept Airbnb‘s, but I would not want to stay in there long term. Why? You’d probably go crazy being stuck in a solo home in the middle of the desert, and even hiking gets boring after a while.

Philosophers like Seneca and poets like Horace constantly talk about the battle between city living and country living. My thought is a combination or a hybrid of both is best: for sometimes you end up doing extreme urban and city things, but sometimes you do really outdoorsy and middle of nowhere things.

I like the optionality

I never want to be stuck with one thing forever. Besides Cindy and Seneca. I don’t want any lifestyle to be forever, any thought patterns to be forever, and any aesthetics to be forever. This is why I don’t like to buy or own things, because I feel stuck with them. In theory, I would prefer living a nomadic experience, and just always be hopping from one Airbnb to another. And sometimes spending some time at Cindy‘s moms house.

Take away:

Simple take away: go on as many mini trips as possible, end feel free to be lavish and spending money on Airbnb. The more unique the Airbnb you rent, the more memorable it will be. And what is experience without memory?

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