iPhone zen

iPhone Thoughts

Just got a new iPhone mini and was checking out all the new iPhones. Some thoughts:

  1. Really wanted to like and buy the new iPhone 12 Pro, but hated it. Too heavy, too big, and in concept while I like the stainless steel concept and the flat edges, it actually ends up being ‌less usable. The iPhone 11 Pro design seemed better. For bigger phones, flat edges seems like a step backwards.
  2. Really like the new iPhone mini. Perfect size. Not too small or big. I opted to get iPhone 12 mini over the iPhone 12 Pro — even though I can afford both! I am so happy I can finally use the iPhone one handed again. And the iPhone 12 mini seems superior to the iPhone SE in terms of the camera and everything else. As of 2021, it seems the iPhone 12 Mini is the best phone.
  3. I used to be a huge Android fanboy (and anti Apple), but honestly moving forward, I don’t think I will ever buy another Android device or phone ever again. Why? At this point, Google is adware. And or it seems Google is designed to rob you of your focus.

Time to short Apple?

After my disappointment with handling the iPhone 12 Pro in the Apple store, I thought to myself:

Oh wow, after Jony Ive has left Apple … things seem to be going downhill.

Certainly Apple will continue to dominate the smartphone/technology scene for a long time to come, but will this be the sign of Apple’s slow (but eventual demise, like Microsoft) to some (unknown) future competitor?

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