Gain wisdom over your body:

The common saying is:

Everyone is different, you just gotta find out what works for you. 

We accept there are different body types, different genetics, different races, different morphology traits, different personality traits, etc. Yet still — there are individuals who believe certain physiological things to be universal truths. For example the thought that “eating saturated fat is bad for you, and it clogs your arteries, and is bad for your health blah blah blah”. 

I’ve found for me, my greatest gains in life have come to me by discovering more of my own personal physiology preferences:

  1. Lots of sunshine and fresh air
  2. My sensitivity towards sound and sights and views — the importance of aesthetics and design to me, and the importance of peace and quiet.
  3. My personal necessity for sleeping a lot (10+ hours as ideal for myself).
  4. My hate of cold humid feeling — especially at home. My preference for hot and humid climates. In Vietnam the climate there helped me with maximal creative productivity. During winter time in cold climate places, my creative and artistic productivity goes down. Even Nietzsche (Ecce Homo) theorizes much of German pessimism as a “cold weather complaint”, and he sees dry warm air as the ideal climate (the weather of the Ancient Greeks and Romans— Mediterranean climate).
  5. Discovering which foods you tolerate and don’t: For me, I cannot digest lactose products — even the “no lactose” cheese and milk products. Also legumes and beans cause me tons of gas, no matter how I cook them. Carbs and sugar and alcohol cause me to gain excess adipose tissue.

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