Photography Technique

The primary new form of innovation in photography will happen via innovation in photography technique and approach. Some thoughts:

What kind of camera are you yielding?

First question:

What kind of camera are you yielding?

There are many forms of cameras out there. But for me, it seems that the best camera is the most small, compact and nimble camera. Right now that is a digital Ricoh GR III camera. The benefits of a compact camera which fits in your hand:

  1. More innovations which can happen via composition and framing. For example, you can hold the Ricoh or compact camera upside down and face you, and easily shoot a selfie. Or you can lie in on the ground. Or you can hold it up high in the air and frame downwards.
  2. The smaller and more compact your camera, the more opportunities it affords you. It is a size and scalability thing. For example, if you own a DSLR or larger camera, you literally cannot fit it in your front pocket. This means many photo opportunities which are either overlooked or missed.

Macro photography

Ricoh GR III having a great close up macro finction. Any camera which has a macro function or ability to close focus is good. This opens up a huge new world of photographic opportunities for you!

Blur and out of focus photos

If you shoot photos which are either intentionally or unintentionally blurred, the photos feel more artistic. Why? It gives impressions and feelings of impressionism paintings. We don’t see the world blurred, therefore photos which don’t look like real life seem more artistic.


What is the difference between exposures? Much. It changes your feeling and perception of a scene.

Brighter photos as literally and metaphorically being more bright, optimistic and exciting. Darker photos as more sombre, calm, relaxed or dark.


Intentionally making a scene *brighter* than it is in “real life” as a way to craft a new feeling in the image.