Hack your environment:

There is a lot we cannot change about our environments — our home environments, our living environments etc … but there is a lot we can change. Simple things. For example:

  1. If you live in a place with poor natural light, just buy a shitload of lights. I just took an old ‘happy lamp’ (optimized to be the same lighting tone of the sunlight) and putting it in my kitchen (my ideal workspace), it is phenomenal — the affect of the happy lamp to uplift my mood is insanely great! I plan on buying perhaps at least 3x more of these things.
  2. Let us say you get insane joy from working out and getting a good pump at the gym but for some reason you don’t have the ability to go to a gym right now. Then what you can do is invest a lot of money to setup an ideal home gym; kettle bells, weights, dumbbells, squat rack, deadlift, chin-up bar, dip bar, etc. Investing money into workout equipment (home gym) as a very good investment.