Seek Your Own Personal Maximal Benefit

Contrary to what we may believe, seeking your own maximal personal benefit is best. For example:

  1. Opting for a simpler more ascetic lifestyle is often the supreme lifestyle. Why? Fewer cares, worries, stresses, anxieties and less bullshit. This means more mind space to create, think and make stuff.
  2. To opt to NOT buy the “nicest” things is often wise. For example even if you’re a billionaire, it is not wise to walk around the hood with a brand new Rolex on your wrist. Even if you’re in a shady neighborhood, not wise to walk around with the newest iPhone Pro. For example I have a lot of money, but I choose NOT to buy a lot of stuff, because I don’t like the anxiety of worrying about losing it, or getting it stolen. One of the big reasons I returned my iPhone Pro — the anxiety of having someone steal my $1000 phone, or the anxiety of dropping a $1000 phone on accident.