A Written Testimony by JAY ELECTRONICA + JAY Z Review: The Greatest Album of All-Time?

a written testimony

I currently rate ‘A written testimony’ by JAY ELECTRONICA as the greatest rap album (of all time) thus far.

Why this album is the GOAT

Tracklist in Arabic on Genius

A written testimony (on Tidal) or on YouTube is the greatest. Why? My thought:

It took 10+ years to make,, how can it NOT be good?

Jay Electronica as the best rapper of all time?

I rate JAY ELECTRONICA as the best rapper of all time. JAY Z is the best business person + rapper of all time. Kanye West is the best multi-faceted artist of all time.

Arabic, Islam in Rap Music?

You remember when Americans were so anti Middle East, Islam, and Muslim people? JAY ELECTRONICA is re-writing that narrative. Same goes with Muhammad Ali. Ali was the original Muslim convert in the African American community — super dope.

Just good music

A written testimony is so good because it is just good music. It puts you in a good mood. It uplifts you. It has variety, soul, and flavor. The more you play it, the better it gets.