front flex muscle

How to Become Happy

These are just my candid thoughts; not guaranteed to work for you, but work for me:

1. Happiness as physiological ‘power overwhelming’

For myself, I see happiness as physiological power overwhelming of the body. This means:

To be happy is a signal of your body to your brain that your body is strong, and your physiology is strong and on the ‘up and up’

Thus first theory:

Perhaps happiness is the consciousness that an individuals’ power is augmenting and growing.

2. Via negativa

To take a note from Nassim Taleb, perhaps happiness is a via negativa thing:

To be ‘happy’, simply remove what makes you miserable.

This might mean:

  • Get rid of negative people
  • Get rid of negative news
  • Get rid of irritants from your life

3. Self employment

I am quite certain:

For maximal happiness in life, one must become self-employed.

Why is this? As long as someone else pays you (owns you), you cannot truly be happy and free.

But just because you are self employed, it won’t guarantee happiness. Why? Because you can still be enslaved to the opinions of others.

It seems a pre-requisite of happiness is otium (leisure). Free mind, free body, free soul, and free movement.

In some ways, happiness is better thought of as freedom.

4. Physical grandeur

  • Ack
  • front flex muscle
  • Arm selfie

Also a thought on how to become maximally happy:

Strive to create a great physique.

This means:

High body muscle mass, low body fat.

5. Artistic productivity and creation

Everyday, make art. Art as writing, thoughts, paintings, drawings, videos, photos, etc.