Why Porn?

Why Do People Think Porn is Bad?


Porn — “porneia” (Greek) means prostitute, or to prostitute. A ‘porne‘ is a harlot, or someone who sells herself. “Perni“– to sell.

First question:

Why is it considered bad to sell one’s body?

Do we own our own body?

This is the more interesting philosophical thought:

Do we “own” our own body?

In most religions, no. God/the deity/Godhead owns our body and our soul. Thus to sell your body is to give a middle-finger to God/the deity, which is obviously, bad.

What is ‘porno-graphic’?

Typically porn or pornographic imagery, video, sound, ideas, etc is this:

A man sexually aroused by the thought of a woman who is willing to perform coitus (sexual intercourse) with him.

Certainly there are also women who are into pornography, but for now, let us talk about us men (I can only speak from the male perspective).

What is ‘lewd’?

Lewd means ‘to betray’. Perhaps when there is “lewd content” — it is somehow betraying our morals, ethics, or something.

What isn’t “lewd”?

I am a highly sexual person, and as a heterosexual male, I love women. I love the women form, shape– everything.

So when I look at beautiful women, shapes and forms, etc … is this bad, evil, or lewd?

I also love the male form

I personally have zero interest in sexual intercourse with men. But I still find the male human form beautiful. There is nothing that gets me going more than looking at other buff males, and being inspired by them! Like the movie 300, or my most recent favorite film — “Pain and Gain (Michael Bay)”.

To sell one’s body for a profit?

Why is this considered a moral evil?

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