How I work:
1. Working
I believe working on a laptop is probably the most effective and efficient way to work. In my eyes, the 13” MacBook Pro [touchbar] is probably the one to get.
Nowadays I’m working from my apartment [hyper fast wifi], which allows me to work without kinks in the hose. It is the most fluid way I can work.
Also nowadays, it seems listening WITHOUT music is beneficial, to give more voice to my own inner-thoughts.
Nowadays what I do is this:
Split my laptop into half-view, and keep my safari/blog on the left, and keep my IA writer app on the right.
I use ‘focus’ mode on ia writer, and I just type what is on my mind. I have also been inspired by my own vlogs — while I vlog an idea, I get an idea to write about!
3.In praise of laptops
Phones are great, tablets are great, but it seems ultimately laptops are the best.