Why Entertainment?

To ‘entertain’ literally means “to hold the attention” [of x].

Many of us like to be ‘entertained’ (by others). Generally speaking, entertainment is seen as a passive act.

My thoughts and questions:

Why do we get bored, and why do we want to BE entertained (passive receiving), instead of actively entertaining ourselves (by producing, making, and creating)?

Nation of exhaustion

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One theory:

Perhaps we want to be entertained simply because we are so exhausted.

Exhausted from work. Lack of sleep. Poor nutrition. Constant sleep-deprivation. Inability to ‘stand still’ and do “nothing”.


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Perhaps we all want to live more interesting and epic lives, but we are afraid. Why are we afraid?

We were taught by our parents to fear. We were socialized to take the ‘safe route’ in life.

There is no risk when it comes to being entertained. You can do no wrong.

We want to be sedated

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If we are stressed or anxious, we want to distract ourselves, and sedate ourselves. This is manifested by:

  1. Playing video games
  2. Watching Netflix, movies, or shows
  3. Alcohol/weed

Why sedate ourselves? Because we cannot endure the pain (the same reason I want to be sedated if a doctor will perform surgery on me).

Entertainment education?

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A new type of entertainment which I find fascinating:

Entertainment documentaries.

We entertain ourselves while educating ourselves.

I generally think this is good. It goes back to Horace who says:

The best poet is he who entertains and educates at the same time!

If we can make education more entertaining; this is good!

Conclusion: The type of entertainment is important


There is stupid entertainment, and there is intelligent entertainment. Perhaps we should be highly selective which type of entertainment we allow into our lives.

Of course, don’t let other superimpose their definitions of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ entertainment on you. But I would simply say:

  1. Entertainment which educates and delights you is good.
  2. To learn (and unlearn) is good.
  3. Don’t let education distract, disinform, and depress you!