Stereotyping vs Racism

Stereotype: a commonly held belief about a certain group of people.

Racism: belief in the inferiority of ability in a certain group or race of people.

For example, “Asian people are good at math” is stereotyping but not racist. “Asian men aren’t as confident as African American men” is racist.

“African American men cannot be as good at math as Asians” is racist. “African American men are good at basketball” is stereotyping but not racist.

Why is the difference important?

I think people often conflate the difference between stereotyping vs racism (or sexism, classicism, or any of the “isms”). For the most part, stereotyping is inocuous and harmless (in the grand scheme of things), but racism is what is very dangerous. To believe that certain races of people are born with “innate superior or inferior” abilities undermines everything. To be racist is anti American.

Is Trump racist?

I don’t think so. I don’t think that Trump believes that Caucasian men have a superior innate ability compared to other races. Also, Trump trying to crack down on illegal immigration isn’t racist. It’s a policy I don’t agree with (I prefer the notion of open borders), but I don’t think Trump is racist. To be “America first” isn’t racist; it’s just a political policy.

Is one allowed to be racist?

I believe people should have the right to be racist, if we do believe in a “free country”. For people to have racist notions is something that goes back to the ancient Greeks (they saw non-Greeks as savage barbarians, and lesser in intelligence and ability for wisdom).

However people shouldn’t have the right to act upon their racist ideology. If you have a person who is racist towards Asian people at home (thinking racist thoughts by himself at home), that person should be allowed to think those racist thoughts. But that racist individual shouldn’t be allowed to conduct physical or mental violence on others.

Should we allow people to spread their racist ideology?

This is the big problem now with technology, Google, Twitter, Facebook and all social media:

Should we allow racists to share their racist ideologies online?

If we believe America to truly be a “democracy” with “free speech”, we should allow free speech. But as Nassim Taleb says, “We should be maximally intolerant towards the intolerant”. So if you’re a racist that believes that Asians are a lesser race with lesser abilities and mental faculties, you should still be “tolerant” towards Asians.

For example a story when I was in Michigan:

A Caucasian man told me, “You know I usually don’t like Asians, but you’re all right! I like you!”

He was a “tolerant racist”.

Therefore my idea:

Allow others to have racist ideologies in private (for themselves), but don’t let them infect the masses with their intolerant ideologies.

For example it’s okay for uncle Bob to be racist in private and during family dinners. However he shouldn’t be allowed to share his racist ideologies in a public space, on the internet, and social media. Intolerant behavior online needs to be highly regulated and enforced.

Towards a more tolerant society

My vision of America and the world:

Maximal individual freedom and liberty, and maximal tolerance towards others and their beliefs. Maximal intolerance towards racists, sexists, or any other “isms”.

In other words:

Let me do as I please as long as I don’t infringe on your rights.

A more “libertarian”political system.


Don’t let any group of people infringe on the rights or beliefs of others.

Leave the Jehovahs Witnesses alone. Leave the Scientology people alone. Leave the Mormons alone.

For more thoughts on ethics, read Nassim Taleb’s “Skin in the game”, and his new book on politics “Principia Politica”.