Photos you didn’t like in the past often get better with time.
To really get to know how you really feel about your photos, let them sit and marinate for a while.
For example some photos (film 35mm) from about 3-4+ years ago, which I didn’t initially like, but I really like now!
The more you marinate your steaks, the better it tastes.
Of course to a certain point! Too much marination might cause our steak to rot.
Generally for myself, I gain clarity on my photos in 5 years.
Let time be your judge
Sit on your photos. You don’t need to make an immediate judgment whether you like them or not.
Generally speaking I’ve found:
As time goes on, I become a better judge of my photos.
For example, if I really like a photo that I shot 5 years ago, there is a high likelihood I will continue to like it 5 years from now (the “Lindt Effect” via Nassim Taleb).
When in doubt, let your photos marinate more.
If you cannot decide whether you like your photos or not, just let them sit and marinate. Let time do the work for you!