The best way to change the world:
Determine and identify your #1 greatest strength and skill, then apply maximum force and effort towards it!
Now the tricky thing— how can we identify our greatest strength? Some ideas:
1. What’s infinitely fun for you?

What doesn’t feel like “work” to you, but has positive utility to yourself and others? For me, this is blogging, shooting photos, thinking, and making images.
2. No morality or ethics

We must not moralize our strengths. Some people say that certain strengths are more virtuous than others.
To identify what you consider your greatest strength is, try to think BEYOND simple moral-ethical-utilitarian calculus. For example, a lot of us consider our strengths in comparison to the “degree or ability in which we can help others”. While I tend to follow this Christian-American-Utilitarian line of thinking, it certainly should NOT be followed by everyone.

3. My definition of strength
I think the notion of “effortlessness”towards the propensity to create — I consider this your ultimate strength.

To create without struggle or “effort”.
To treat your artistic skills, strengths and efforts as “play”.

4. Reflect.

Nobody has the answers but yourself. Go on a long walk and think to yourself:
What do I consider my #1 strength and skill?
What creative act can I do indefinitely without fatigue, disgust, or ennui? What creative game can I pursue unto infinity, for the sake of it? For fun and play!