How to Become Superhuman

Outlining my ideal:

  1. Supreme energy: From morning until evening, having apex energy, alertness, wakefulness, and enthusiasm and excitement. Perhaps this requires extreme amounts of sleep in the evening (9-11 hours a night), intermittent fasting during the day (no food consumed during the daytime), and ample black coffee during the day. Also ideally sunlight, lots of walking.
  2. Supreme artistic output: Tons of writing, thinking, and artistic creation. For myself this means being enraptured all day in ideas, thoughts, and artwork. To keep exploring deeper into the depths of art, beauty, design, and philosophy. To keep outputting much writings, thoughts, photographs, videos, music, and poetry. To create great products and things to empower others. Necessity: great coffee shop, great music to get into the zone.
  3. Supreme physical and physiological health and strength: Much muscle, physical strength, low bodyfat percentage. Attained by eating lots of meat and bitter herbs (no carbs or sugars). Also through testing and training your body via feats of strength.

Let me strive to attain my own ideal, and I will share my findings and I go along!