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Photography as one of the best channels for your human metabolism

A thought:

What if you dedicated all of your physical/metabolic energies towards producing visual artwork– whether they be photographs, illustrations, videos, or any other form of artistic creation?

Video games or photography?

What is more fun– photography or video games?

What is more fun, watching porn or the challenge/difficulty/fun of the real-life intercourse?

What is more fun– watching Netflix, movies, or TV shows– or actually going out to a bar/restaurant/club or other social scenario– and performing/interaction with people in real life?

What is more fun– reading, or writing?

What is more fun– consuming the artwork of others, or creating your own artworks?

To me, it seems the best use of our human metabolism is to CREATE!

Our human metabolism is limited

One day you will die. At best, we will die at age 120.

What is ‘metabolism’– especially in the context of us human beings?

Well, metabolism as a combination of the energy we consume (food), as a combination of how we use/expend energy, and a combination of time*rate of our heart beat. Which means this:

No matter how rich, smart, or physically fit you are– your human metabolism isn’t unlimited, as you will die one day.

Thus from a philosophical perspective– the question we should ask ourselves is:

Given the fact that my human metabolism (and life) is limited, how do I best want to leverage or use my human metabolism? To what ends? What is my ultimate goal in life that I am willing to sacrifice my life-force-energy (metabolism) in order to achieve or create?