Personal Truth

It is our goal to strive for our own personal truth. To discover a deeper level/degree of “truthiness” to our own lives. Deeper and more profound knowledge in ourselves, the optimal conditions for us to thrive (lifestyle, diet, exercise, climate).

Our goal isn’t to discover a universal truth for everyone (this is ridiculous, no such thing as a “universal truth” which applies 100% to everyone exists, nor should it exist).

Your opinion belongs to you, applies to you (and perhaps a few other great individuals).

Thus don’t waste your precious time striving to discover a universal truth of the world or the universe. Discover the truth for yourself, and then encourage others to discover their own personal truths.


What’s the next step? I call it “truthiness” a deeper level or degree of truth. And the fun is that there will never be a final truth for you either. Just keep digging your roots deeper and deeper, and grow your branches wider and wider!