The Joy of Composition

The joy of composing things —

  1. Composing music 
  2. Composing essays 
  3. Composing photographs 

Perhaps this is what makes photography so fun and joyful? And what’s the driving force of the artist?

Composition in science

Composition as what something is comprised of — what something is made out of.

For example the “composition” of water is H2O (two hydrogen, one oxygen).

When we think about photos, perhaps we should ask ourselves:

What is this photograph composed of?

For example,

  1. What are the subject(s) in the frame?
  2. What are the colors and tones in the frame?
  3. What are the gestures/happenings in the frame?
  4. Is the photograph open to interpretation (open-ended photo), or is the photo closed to interpretation (only one way to interpret the photo?)
  5. What are the graphical shapes and forms in the photograph?

And based on the composition of the photograph, ask yourself these questions:

  1. How does the photograph make me feel?
  2. What is my personal interpretation of the photograph?
  3. Why do I consider the photograph great?

Study composition in cinema, in music, in painting, photo — anything and everything!

Never stop composing and penning new images!