How to Gain More Energy

​For myself, one of the things I hate the most is feeling tired and fatigue. ​​
​​I’m striving in my life to simply have the maximum amount of energy, with the minimum amount of fatigue (unless it is time for me to sleep at night). ​​

​​Ketogenic diet

​​One of my biggest life hacks has been following a “ketogenic” diet (no carbs, no starch, no sugars). To me, this has helped me mostly prevent “food coma”, while also keeping my body fat percentage low, and also allowing me to consume much protein to build muscle. ​​

Because I care so much for my bodily and physical energy, I remain religious about following this very strict and military-esque diet. And the reason I’ve been able to stick to this diet for the last 5+ years is simple:

​​It isn’t about “self-denial”— it is about self-strengthening. 

​​To me, it is a matter of pride and distinction. Furthermore, I am so self-centered and care about myself so much that I optimize my diet in order to maximize my physical strength and vigor— no matter what. ​​


​​I’m also very good at intermittent fasting — not eating breakfast and lunch, and waiting until dinner to eat. Furthermore, being strong enough to withstand hunger pangs. ​​
​​When I’m in a state of fasting, I am sharper. I am keener. I am more focused. I still feel the pain from hunger, but that pain no longer scares me. If anything, the hunger pains envigorate me and make me stronger. ​​
​​And when when I break my fast at dinner, I allow myself unlimited eggs (often 12+ whole eggs, usually fried or scrambled) and unlimited portions of fatty meat and bitter herbs. ​​


​​If there’s one single physical activity you can do to boost your mood, energy levels, and overall bodily vigor — it is powerlifting. ​​
​​Powerlifting is diffent from bodybuilding because rather than focusing on building your bodily aesthetics and maximum muscle mass, it is about this simple goal:​​

​​What is the maximal weight you can lift off the ground for a single repetition?

​​For myself, I keep it simple: deadlift, squat, and dumbbell press (I prefer this over bench press, as I don’t require a spotter). ​​
​​Another recent discovery which has helped me actually lift heavier weights at the gym, while also decreasing my gym time, and increasing my focus: Go to the gym without your phone or headphones. No music, no phone, no distractions. ​​


​​Many of the greats in history were religious nappers. To me it seems simple:​​

​​When you’re really really exhausted and coffee no longer has an effect on you, simply take a nap. 

​​I think in modern society, naps are generally frowned upon. Or most jobs simply don’t allow for it. But be clever about it, and figure out how you can sneak napping into your daily schedule. ​​
​​Nap more for more energy. ​​