To get honest feedback and constructive critique on your photos is impossible on Facebook and Instagram. That is why we created in order for you to receive and give meaningful feedback on photos:
“I encourage you to use ARSto develop your analytical skills in this way. Don’t just do the ‘Keep’ or ‘Ditch’ button; really look at the photo and think in detail of how it could be improved or why you like the image. You will learn a tremendous amount about what drives and inspires you as a photographer by looking at other people’s work. You will also see your prejudices and foibles too.”- Cities at Dawn: It’s Time for Some Honest Feedback About Your Images, 2018[Check out their photography blog here]
First step is to upload your photos to and then start giving feedback to their photos.
Generally this is my suggestions on giving a useful and constructive critique:
- Write what you love about the photo, what can be improved (composition, processing), and how the photo makes you feel.
- Write a critique as if someone else were critiquing your work. Use a voice that is friendly, yet not condescending.
- Critique others to genuinely help empower them and improve in their photography.
Using your ARS Coin to get more in-depth feedback
Another cool update in ARS BETA Version 3: ARS Coin.
The idea is the more photos you critique, the more ARS Coin you earn. And you can use your ARS Coin to commission other photographers to give you more detailed feedback on your photos.
To do this, go to the “Profile” page of your ARS Account, click on an image to see the critiques, then click “Comission Critique” and pay the other photographer 5 ARS Coin:
Let us all grow together as a community
Put substance and meaning into your feedback and critiques as if the other person was you. It is harder, more difficult, requires more brain-power and soul, but it is more advantageous to you.
The more you critique the photos of other photographers, the more you improve your visual intelligence, strength, and ability to judge/edit your own photos. It is a win-win situation!
Critique on!
Start uploading and critiquing photos on today!