What is Happiness in Photography?

Personal thoughts on happiness and photography:

1. The joy of walking, seeing, and experiencing

Mexico City texture colors

For myself, I obtain great and deep joy just being able to have the luxury of walking around, looking, seeing, and experiencing the external world! To me, there is nothing more interesting and stimulating than to just walk around in public spaces, say hello to strangers, and photograph whatever I find interesting.

To me, walking around in outdoor/public places is a trillion times more fun and fascinating than being stuck at home.

Inside the house, there is nothing going on. The only way to get stimulation is to watch films, listen to music, or read a book.

When walking around outside, it is the ultimate ‘MMORPG’. There are infinite permutations of randomness, random occurrences, and with all the people outside–you can interact with them ‘in real life’! And it is this unpredictability and ‘inter-actability’ with other humans is what makes photography/street photography so fun, exciting, and entertaining.

2. New visual experiences

Mexico City texture

There are a trillion x 1000 things you can photograph. It will never be the same, and there are no two alike things in the world.

Now, isn’t this exciting? It means that you can spend the rest of your life making photos, and no two photos will ever be alike! There is eternal novelty in photography and real life!

3. Going off the beaten path

I believe the happiest life is the most ‘dangerous‘ life. A life where we spurn regularity and comfort is the best life!

To me, life is more fun with grit, grain, texture, and irregularity.


Never stop exploring, never stop shooting, and never stop looking forward to tomorrow! To me, this is happiness.