How to Elevate Yourself

Why do we take drugs, enjoy pleasure, enjoy music, films, travel, and make artwork?

My theory:

To elevate ourselves — to feel super-human/super-natural.

I think many of us disdain reality. To us, reality is too boring and uninteresting, and also perhaps lacks challenges.

For most of us, our reality is our boring 9-5 jobs, and our boring suburban living. Reality ain’t interesting enough for us, thus we seek another reality — reality via video games, virtual reality, movies, exotic and foreign travel, etc.

But who is to blame — us, or our reality?

I think boredom and dissatisfaction is embedded into the human DNA. Ultimately it is good, because if we were too easily satisfied and entertained, we would have never reached higher heights as humans (technology, science, art).

I know for myself, dissatisfaction and boredom drives me higher.

I am easily bored of my photos, so I strive to make NEW images. I strive to evolve as a visual artist. I don’t like to sit on my laurels; I’m always hungry for more!

New images

Saigon, 2017

I love images. I gain immense pleasure from seeing new images:

  1. Images in cinema
  2. Images in paintings
  3. Images in photographs (shot by myself, or by others)
  4. Design: images in automobile design, fashion and clothing, watch design, architecture, home design

I’m always hungry for novel images; to either see it with my own eyes (seeing foreign images through travel), or to create my own new images (using the camera as a tool to TRANSFORM visual reality into something else).

No such thing as eternal bliss

Bangkok, 2017

A lot of us have this false notion that the supreme happiness is having endless bliss and joy.

But the way that our biology is wired, we can never have endless bliss without change, novelty, challenge, and randomness. Perhaps this is what makes gambling so fun and interesting for many, or pursuing sexual partners (real life sexual relationships are 10000x more complex and interesting than just watching porn).

Photographic sculpture

Saigon, 2017 #cindyproject

I think we should appreciate photos like sculpture.

When I look at my photos, I imagine them in three dimensions. I remember how I shot them, and I also get great joy from the dance which is photography: dancing with my subject and my camera, and enjoying the skill of timing my photos at the right decisive moments, and also playing with the perspective of my camera and lens.

Self-elevation through photography

Saigon, 2017

For myself, when I shoot photos of myself, it is always fascinating, because I am different as a photograph (with myself in reality). I transform myself into something else — a photo object.

Photography to have an out-of-body experience

Through photography you elevate yourself out of your body. To me, when I’m shooting ohotos, it is almost like an out of body experience. I gain this zen-connection between my hand, my eyes, and my camera.

Self elevation and strength

Saigon, 2017 #cindyproject

What do we strive for as individuals?

My thought:

We want to feel elevated — to feel like we’re becoming more powerful.

For example as you accumulate more money in your bank account, it makes you feel elevated because you feel like you’re progressing in life, “winning” in life, or becoming stronger. The same goes with social currency — the pleasure we gain from gaining more followers, likes, and social approval.

How to feel self elevated?

Saigon, 2017

For myself, this is how I feel more elevated:

  1. Look and appreciate and admire large buildings. Seeing epic architecture and skyscrapers augments my feeling of power.
  2. Powerlifting: lifting heavy shit at the gym, and pushing my muscles beyond my limits.
  3. Making photos that bring me joy and delight — through the composition, the aesthetics, and subject matter.
  4. Thinking more lofty and epic thoughts: Generally through thinking, walking, studying philosophy. Finding inspiration from other great heroes and individuals I admire.
  5. Keep pushing your visual artistry to the next level — to make new photos, to make new processing styles, and witnessing and being conscious of your evolution and change as an artist.

New epic hopes

Saigon, 2017

Ask yourself:

When you wake up in the morning, are you MORE excited for this new day, or LESS excited?

Do you have new epic hopes for the future? Do you have new forms of optimism that you haven’t experienced before?

Saigon, 2017 #cindyproject

Elevate yourself by traveling more, thinking more, and going on more daring adventures.

Live unorthodox, think unconventionally, and give more credence to your own personal thoughts, beliefs, and prioritize your own life needs (craft your own ideal lifestyle for yourself). It is all courage.

Be bold, and dream of brighter skies, higher views, and more epic thoughts.