Photography and life is a stream of images:
Don’t strive for perfection
There isn’t such thing as ‘perfection’ in photography. We are constantly in a state of flux; a state of becoming as photographer-artists.
Thus it seems the best strategy is this:
Just keep shooting photos, and focus on contributing to making an impactful stream of images for ourselves and for others.
Make images which inspire you
What I do is this:
I upload photos to my blog media library, and I use my older photos as a way to inspire and motivate myself to keep shooting photos!
I think the problem that we photographers make is this:
We don’t spend enough time looking at our older work.
It is essential for us to look at our older work. When we look at our older work, we find more appreciation for our photographic process. We find more appreciation in seeing how far we’ve come in our photography. We see our progress, and we see our own personal evolution in photography.
Why do we get bored of our own photography?

I think we often get bored of our photography because we obstruct our visual stream. We stop shooting new photos, and we stop looking at our older work. We need to do both: contribute to our visual stream of images by making new photos, and also to find appreciation for our old photos (organizing our portfolio, curating our work).
We must keep moving
“The rolling stone gathers no moss.” – Publilius Syrus
If we think of our photography and our lives as a stream, we cannot allow ourselves to stop shooting. We must keep shooting and evolving as visual artists. We cannot stand still.
Enjoy the flow
Enjoy the beautiful flow which is life.
Get into a “flow state” when you’re shooting photos, when you’re reviewing your photos, and when you’re processing your photos.
Enjoy the flow when you’re photo-blogging, and reflecting on your past life experiences.
Look forward to tomorrow; there are a trillion new photo-opportunities for you to shoot! The most interesting photos aren’t the ones you’ve already shot; the most interesting photos are the photos you’ve YET shot! That means stay optimistic for tomorrow — you cannot even imagine what new photo opportunities will present themselves to you!
Love photography, and love your life.
Use photography as your stimulus to life!
Use photography to go on more epic adventures, and use photography to both document your personal memories as well as creating new visual artwork.
And don’t forget– enjoy the process.