An idea —
Perhaps the source of all aesthetic design comes from sexual concepts.
Masculine vs Feminine design
My idea:
Much design ultimately is somehow related to the proportions or aesthetics of the human body.
For example, a muscular man looks like a triangle pointing downwards.
A sexy woman is seen as having some sort of hourglass shape — it doesn’t really matter how big or small her top or bottom is — it is about the general proportions. Generally speaking, I believe women with a more curved shape are more sexually enticing.
Muscular design
I was at the mall the other day, and I saw a Rolls Royce parked in the lot. My mind was blown.
First of all, the Rolls Royce car is massive. It almost looks like it has the size or footprint of a truck, but happens to be a 4-door sedan. The front of the car gives me the impression of a man with a huge chest puffing upwards, with his chin in the air.
Furthermore, the lines of the car were bold, and powerful. The car just exuded a sense of power.
Sex appeal in a car or things?

Which made me think—
Why do a lot of men tend to have some sort of pseudo-sexual relationship with their cars, cameras, or tools?
For example, a lot of exotic sports cars have “exotic” curves, and proportions that a lot of people call “sexy, elegant, svelte”. But the thing is — all of these aesthetic judgements are often applied to the human body, shape, and form.
So there must be some connection between our human-centric appreciation of design and our appeal towards the human shape and sex appeal.
What type of women are men attracted to?
Men are generally drawn to women with a moderate body fat percentage (not anorexic, nor overly obese). A tiny bit of belly fat, but generally softer features — soft skin, full lips, more curvaceous hips, and a fuller chest.
My simple theory:
Perhaps these aesthetics and body shapes have better sexual reproductive faculties.
For example, a woman with bigger breasts can provide more milk to offspring. Wider hips are beneficial to child-birth. A woman with enough body fat means they can produce enough milk for children, but perhaps too much body fat is seen as unhealthy, or a sign of weaker health.
What is an attractive man (to a woman?)
Theoretically, an attractive man is a powerful man. Power via physical size (height, muscles), or economic power (money, possessions).
My theory:
A more muscular man, or a more physically intimidating man, can be a better provider for the woman/child —in terms of procuring more resources, food, and thriving.
Taking this back to design — perhaps this is why some men buy really powerful looking cars, to augment their sense of masculinity, strength, or power? This explains why lots of men like big trucks, big (and loud) sports cars, big engines, etc.
Greek ideals
For the ancient Greeks, they saw power, fearlessness, and boldness-brazenness as desirable attributes in a man. What was an attractive man? A strong man, tall, big hands/arms/legs, with lots of physical strength.
As for women (Greek goddesses) they are as fierce and powerful as the male gods. Athena (female) defeats Mars (male) in battle in the Iliad. But ultimately, Zeus (male) is still the king of mount Olympus.
Among the gods, physical strength, prowess in battle, war, fighting is seen as supreme.
Do objects, tools, augment our strength?

It doesn’t really matter if you’re male, female, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, etc — I think we all desire to have more power, control, autonomy, freedom in our lives.
So this is ultimately what interests me:
Why do we care for design?
My theory:
Our appreciation of design originates from our sexual desires.
Of course this is just my theory — will try to flesh out these thoughts some more.