Downtown la sweat, limited-edition color version. 2015

Have Pride in Your Pictures!

Have pride in your pictures! Don’t expect others to praise you for your photos. Praise yourself and your own images!

Downtown la sweat, limited-edition color version. 2015

To become famous in photography is a combination of effort, skill, and luck. Because becoming a famous photographer requires (some) luck, becoming famous and well-regarded for your photography isn’t 100% in your control!

Therefore my suggestion is this:

Seek to impress yourself with your own photos, and have pride in the images you make!

Golden triangle analysis for Downtown LA, side face tattoo.
Golden triangle analysis for Downtown LA, side face tattoo.

Horace once said that he wrote poems to amuse himself, instead of seeking amusement from external sources and entertainment.

Pinocchio nose. Downtown LA, 2015
Pinocchio nose. Downtown LA, 2015

We can do the same; we can amuse ourselves by making photos which entertain and interest us!

Woman with self-portrait of herself. Downtown LA, 2011.
Woman with self-portrait of herself. Downtown LA, 2011.

I did a Skype call with my friend Tim’s middle school photography class, and one of the kids asked me, “What makes a good photo?”

Essentially my answer was this:

A good picture is one which shows the soul of your subject, and also shows the relationship between you and your subject!

Or in short words,

A good photograph has your soul imbued in it.

Black cop cutout with flash. Downtown la, 2014
Black cop cutout with flash. Downtown la, 2014

Downtown LA, 2016

I’m glad that I deleted my Instagram and no longer have one. Why? It has helped me focus on making photos to please myself, not others.

Downtown LA, 2013

And as a result I’ve been so much more inspired and motivated in my photography! And I am breaking lots of new personal ground in photography and visual art.

Downtown LA, 2015
Cutoff technique, shooting layers, head-on, 35mm. Downtown LA, 2015

So as a simple tip, before you share a photo with others, ask yourself:

“Do I like this picture?”

If not, don’t share it. Only share photos which you personally like and have pride in!

Downtown LA, 2011

Downtown LA, 2011. Girl with pink barbie

Take pride in your work! Because if you don’t have pride in your work, who will?


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