Fill the Frame

To make better photos, fill the frame!

1. Get close and shoot a vertical and use a flash

I often get close with macro, shoot with a flash, and get close enough until the edges of my frame are filled with my subject (Cindy, or strangers).

All shot at 28mm, flash, and RICOH GR II:

2. Fill the frame with an interesting pattern

Like dots:

3. Get close and focus on a detail

Like this head of lettuce, shot in macro mode.


4. Fill the frame with lines, shapes, and forms

5. Include the hands of your subject

Get super close to your subject, but don’t chop off their hands.

6. Fill the frame with faces

Fill frame

7. Fill the frame with a pattern

Make sure the edges of your frame only show the pattern.

8. When you’re shooting, fill the edges of your frame

Osaka night

This works well when shooting urban landscapes.

9. Hold your camera high, and point downwards

Cindy walking lines

Fill the frame with lines and shapes and forms, by not having distracting elements in the background.

10. Only one color in the background

Hand green

Simple green in the background. Just stick to one color.

11. Fill the frame with repeating patterns

Diagonal composition Lisbon

Like trees.

Diagonal composition street photography suit Lisbon

12. Fill the frame with textures and forms

13. Get really close to the people and action!

Girls posed

Thumb up kyoto

Sketch iPad thumb up Kyoto