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No Photographer Shoots the Same Scene Twice

Getting my #heraclitus on; based on his saying, “No man steps into the same river twice” [because neither the river is the same, nor is the man the same].

Essentially a lot of us photographers don’t shoot certain projects or scenes because we tell ourselves:

It’s pointless! Someone else has already shot it before, and perhaps better than I can ever shoot it!

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Marseille contact sheet.

Or for ourselves in our own neighborhoods or cities:

Oh I have already shot that before. I refuse to shoot it again.

Now this isn’t good, because of the following reasons:

1. From a physics perspective, it’s impossible to shoot the same scene the same exact way, twice.

Marseille, 2013. Kodak Portra 400, 35mm format.

The molecules are different, the dust and condensation are different, the light is different, and the time and age is different! Also you; you’re constantly changing and evolving as a human being. Your molecules in your body are constantly in a state of flux. Also, everyday you’re changing as a photographer, in terms of your inspirations or ideas!

2. Just because someone else has shot it before, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t shoot it!

The Sunbaker, Max Dupain

You will probably shoot the scene differently, and in a more unique and interesting way!

You can also shoot a certain scene better than others have done it, or do it better than you have done it before!

I didn’t know this photo existed until after I shot my Marseille man photo. Max Dupain, 1937 photo.

This is a Zen way of thinking; that we seek this “Kaizen” approach to life. To constantly improve, a little bit everyday. Even a daily 1% increase over a year (compounded) will yield you massive results!

So friend, basic takeaways:

  1. Pursue any photography project or essay you’re interested in. You’re gonna do it differently, or perhaps better or worse! It doesn’t matter, as long as you are enthusiastic about it!
  2. On your daily photo walk or commute to work, feel free to shoot the same scene everyday! Just try to make it a little bit different each time.
  3. Never compare yourself with any other photographer. Just improve based on your own conception of yourself. For example if you make a photo which you consider a good photo, it is a good photo! That’s enough!

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