Part 5 (Final): Matrix Cinematography and Philosophy

This is our last installation for the cinematography and philosophy of the Matrix film:

Philosophy lessons

1. Have something you believe in

‘I believe in something’ — Neo

I think in life we all need something greater than ourselves to believe in. This is what gives us a sense of purpose and direction in life.

In the film, Neo has his “awakening” moment when he announces he has something in which he believes in.

Lesson: Let us reflect and determine what we believe in, and then stick to pursuing that thing we believe in!

2. Do something that hasn’t been done before

Trinity: “[This isn’t going to work]. Nobody has anyone done anything like this…”

Neo: “That’s why it’s gonna work.”

Before Neo and Trinity go to save Morpheus, Trinity shows doubt and fear. Why? Nobody has tries to infiltrate the top security of the agents.

But Neo says something super empowering; when we attempt the “impossible”, we’re actually more likely to succeed. Why? Because nobody else has done it before, thus it is more unexpected and more likely to work, because it’s so “out of left field”.

Lesson: Take big risks in life; things which haven’t been done before. This means ignore business books which tell us what has worked with “successful” past entrepreneurs. We must attempt the unknown to truly innovate!

3. “Not yet”

When Neo is looking at Trinity and asking her if she can fly the helicopter she says,

“Not yet”.

Then Tank downloads the instruction manual to her head, then Trinity hops into the helicopter then flies off.

Lesson: “Not yet” is an awesome phrase we should all incorporate into our lives. It is super positive and optimistic; it signifies to ourselves that we are capable of learning anything; we just need to simply apply ourselves in order to learn or do anything!


4. Break your chains!

In the Matrix, we are all prisoners of our own mind. Morpheus conjures all his power to break his (metaphorical) chains.

Reflection: what kind of self-imposed ideology keeps us back and chains us up?

5. What are you capable of if you’re no longer afraid?

‘Neo; I’m not afraid anymore.’ – Trinity

In life, how much could we achieve or do…if we didn’t feel afraid anymore?

6. Seeing reality

My favorite scene in the Matrix is when Neo finally “sees” the reality of the matrix for the first time; it is all just false green code.

It’s like in real life, once we can see past the false bullshit of life; we are truly free to do anything and everything! This is our “enlightenment” moment.

7. In this world, anything is possible!

At the end of the film, Neo gives us a little pep talk. He tells us that “You’re afraid of change”, yet encourages us to imagine a “world without controls or borders or boundaries. A world where “anything is possible”.

“Where we go from there, is a choice I leave to you.” – Neo

Ultimately we have the choice to live our lives however we desire.

Go beyond your (self-imposed) limits!

Therefore to conclude,

  1. Don’t be afraid of change.
  2. Recognize the world doesn’t have any boundaries; anything is possible in this world.
  3. We can learn anything, and do anything we desire; as long as we put in the effort.

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