Hakim Boulouiz: Street Photography as Visual Recycling

Hakim Boulouiz: a former student of mine, and now an extremely influential street photographer/visual artist, and also one of the judges for the London Street Photography Festival!

From his artist statement:

Hakim considers street photography as a visual recycling. Like a sculptor manufacturing several forms from scrap metal or a designer working to give waste new life in a new use. Hakim thinks that beauty is everywhere and the artist has to see, to learn how to see, to take his time and to believe in his art.

I love this. Visual Recycling is a concept I haven’t heard before, but it is very apt. We take what we find interesting from reality, and recycle it in a positive and constructive way! What others consider trash, we see art!

And Hakim is one of the most beautiful, positive people I have ever met. Sending you lots of love Hakim!

Photos by Hakim:

Some of my favorite photos of Hakim:

See more of Hakim’s work on his website, or contact him at C47studio@gmail.com