Red Color Theory

Red: The most bold color, the color of blood, lust, death, anger:

The color red is fascinating to me. I’ve read studies that suggest that if you wear the color red, you will be more attractive to others.

I did a pretty intense look into the Red-Green color theory, and found those two colors to be the most enigmatic combination:

Also some Red-Green photos of mine I like:

How to shoot the color red

  1. When shooting the color red, it’s pretty easy; just look for the color red! Shoot anything that you perceive as red, then figure out how to categorize it later.
  2. Realize the infinite variety of the color red, and how similar it is to the color orange.
  3. What colors are intense next to the color red? For myself, I see the following color combinations with red being intense: red-blue (Sixers), red-yellow (McDonalds), red-green (Gucci).

Warm tones

Warm tones. Red to yellow, color theory on the wheel.
Warm tones. Red to yellow, color theory on the wheel.

The color red is an example of a “warm” color, which literally feels warm. Imagine a lovely sunrise or sunset. The opposite of the “cold” colors, which literally feel cold.


Processed with VSCO with a6 preset
Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Red inspiration

My favorite images:

Pablo Picasso Red:


Edward Hopper

Note his subtle use of red. Sometimes the subject is wearing a red outfit, and sometimes the red is a bold accent color against a blue or green background.

Lesson: Sometimes a small dab of the color RED can make a big impact:

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